Here's another notch on Jordan's bedpost (which by now has been whittled down to a toothpick) - Dane Bowers. She looms over this series like a pair of mahogany zeppelins. Perhaps Dwight, Gareth and Peter are waiting behind the double doors? He's also working on a cage-fighting movie, so he and Alex will have lots to talk about. He's also denied their New Year scuffle, suggesting that Jordan is still happy to phone the papers and say any old shit in the hopes of scoring another cover story.
If you put Pete Burns and Chrissie Hynde into a blender, then scraped the pulp onto a slice of granary toast, you'd have Heidi Fleiss. She's a Hollywood madam who, according to Davina, worked in the "illegal prostitute business" (as opposed to the legal alternative?) and now works with a another bunch of dogs in Nevada. The word 'grim' seems somehow insufficient. She has sparkly cowboy boots. Stephen Baldwin greeted her with "It's been a long time" giving us more insight into his life BC.
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