The story itself ticks all the boxes - learning difficulties, bullying, dead parents, poverty. We can take our pick as to which heartstring we want tugging. It's no wonder Simon looked like all his birthdays had come at once. But what really stands out in the Mirror's story, is just how predetermined the outcome is looking. Speaking about the kids who bullied her in school, Susan comments "They're all grown up with children of their own. But look at me now - I've got the last laugh." She's refers to Simon Cowell as the boss, and speaks about a meeting that she's already had with Sony BMG. Even the Mirror gets in on the act, talking about Susan's gamble paying off and Simon 'grooming her' for stardom. I don't know about stardom, I think she'd just benefit from some grooming.
Still, even if this interview makes her success in the show seem like a fait accompli, and pretty much invalidates the notion of an audience voting for the winner, at least Susan's got one thing right. She never makes the assumption that she'll be working with Simon Cowell - she's very clear that she'd be "happy to work for him".
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