In the 2009 Movieguide® Magazine’s Annual Report, Dr Ted Baehr reveals the stunning fact that American audiences prefer movies without violence, sex and bad language. He certainly sounds convincing - after all, he breaks down each element of offensive content and looks for correlation with the movie's box office results.

Take the following example:
No nudity: $36,274,503
Some sexual nudity: $29,132,665
Extensive sexual nudity: $19,874,327
It certainly makes a compelling case for the success of movies where the cast remain fully clothed. Or does it?
Bollocks. And I don't care if that means I lose some of my audience.
What this disingenuous dickhead neglects to mention, is that the content he finds offensive also has a bearing on the rating that the movie receives. And the rating a film gets dictates everything from how many screens it appears on and where it's advertised, right through to who can actually buy a ticket. It doesn't take a genius then, to see that the bigger your audience, the better your chances of making money. Films aimed at kids will have twice the audience of a film aimed only at adults.

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