Although critics raved over the astonishing aging effects, it failed to register with many viewers on account of its preposterous premise. However, it only takes one look at Miley Cyrus' little sister Noah to realise that maybe David Fincher's fantasic fable wasn't quite so far fetched after all.
Given that she's only just turned ten years old, it's hardly surprising that she's yet to make as much of an impression on popular culture as her super-famous sibling. But all that's set to change as Noah and her cousin prepare to launch a clothing range that will bring their 'unique' sense of style to pre-teens everywhere.

Noah first raised eyebrows back in October, when she appeared at a Hallowe'en party with Emily Grace Reaves, looking like refugees from a documentary about child sex trafficking. Hallowe'en is all about celebrating horror, but this particular nightmare was just a little too real.
So if you'd like your kids to be more Lolita than Little Orphan Annie, you'll be delighted to know that you'll soon be able to send them off to the playground dressed like they're auditioning for the Folies Bergère.
Teaming up with the creepy sounding 'Ooh! La, La Couture', the girls have created a collection in a "trendy, sweet, yet edgy feel..." with a range of "versatile styles that can be worn with sweet ballerina slippers, funky sneakers or paired with lace stockings and boots for more of a rock and roll look.”
Aside from the whole 'sexualisation of children' issue, the real concern here is the fact these kids look awful. Noah seems to be learning make-up tips from Courtney Love, and fishnets and French maid outfits should never be seen outside of an Ann Summers window display. Then again, if the Cyrus family are willing to sell their kids on the open market, maybe they just figured they should dress them appropriately...
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